Time-Lapse Video Production

Let us make a time-lapse masterpiece from your footage

High Definition

High Definition

Let us produce a high resolution time-lapse masterpiece from your footage. Our Time-Lapse cameras have enough pixels to make 4K resolution videos while even cropping into the frame. When you are using the quality optics and sensors from Canon, you are ensured a crisp, clear time lapse video will emerge from your project.


We can streamline your time lapse video to remove rainy days, flickering, or any other anomalies that would otherwise mar the footage. Automated time lapse cannot reach the level of clarity achieved when we filter out these occasional bad frames. We can level and ramp all different aspects of the footage to make sure your project looks its best.


Shaking and jitter are a byproduct of long-term time-lapse. While even the best mount can sometimes cause jitter, we can correct any such problems in our post processing workflow. The stabilized video will look like nothing ever moved over the months and years of your project. This sets apart our videos from simple, automated daily time-lapses.


Make your marketing pop with emphasis. Show your potential clients what you can do from start to finish. Let us polish your video footage with titles, transitions and audio tracks that will convey your message like never before to your potential clients.

Choose one of our time-lapse cameras today!

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